
.IN.NET is backed by significant experience when it comes to understanding and mitigating threats originating from domain abuse. We have a zero-tolerance policy to internet abuse and work on tight internal SLAs to deliver quick results. To drive this effort, we have a committed function working towards identifying abusive domain names and enforcing its policies. Our Abuse Desk functions 24/7 and takes prompt and effective action (both reactively and proactively) against domains reported or co-networked to be involved in any sort of online abuse.

Our Anti-Abuse Policy puts Registrants (via their Registrars) on notice of the ways in which we will identify and respond to abuse. It will also serve as a deterrent to those seeking to register and use domain names for abusive purposes.

.IN.NET is part of an initiative from Radix Registry. Radix Registry’s abuse mitigation team has developed strong relationships with many security groups and individuals in the abuse mitigation community, with the aim of sharing intelligence and facilitating quick action on abusive domain names.

List of Policies